This is not a candidate, this is a cardboard cutout


A question that has been bouncing around my mind over the last few weeks is, “Is this the best we can do?”

I’m speaking specifically of our presidential candidates, of course, but I’m sure that there’s quite a few candidates on the lower fight card that we can scratch our heads over.

Given the abysmal state of the national media and its overarching disgust with conservative politics, there’s ample “stories” out there describing President Trump as the second coming of Hitler, combined with the antichrist, Stalin and Ron Jeremy.

That same abysmal state, however, has left off the non-existent morality and the ever-present lack of veracity of the Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris.

I have yet to hear a cogent policy statement from her that doesn’t involve beating up taxpayers. All of them, by the way, not just the billionaires who must be made to pay “their fair share.” Moreover, the “candidate” (sarcastic quotes intentional) does have a tendency to co-opt certain policy statements avowed by Trump, such as his idea to stop taxes on tips.

A further example of her mendacity is that It has been widely reported that she never was made border czar, despite information to the contrary, but she has the audacity to claim she plans to be tough on border crossings.

She repeatedly denies her failings while claiming she has been nothing but successful, that is, when she manages to string together a sentence with meaning (we’ll leave the cackling alone).

Perhaps the most egregious example of Harris’ failures, though, is that for the last presidential term of which she was the country’s second-in-command, nothing has happened to improve the conditions in the country, especially regarding the economy. Inflation is up, production is down, and jobs are being filled by illegal aliens. She is yet casting the blame on her opponent, saying over and over again how inflation was 9 percent when in fact it was less than 2 percent, and that despite the crippling idiocy of the COVID mandates.

There were four years for the current administration — you know, the one with Harris in it — to affect the change that every elected official campaigns on, and yet, things have gotten worse, and will get even worse under a new Harris regime.

Speaking of which, even the way she became the Democrat candidate flies in the face of the method of electing leaders in this country — anointed instead of elected, and enjoying the full slate of presidential candidate bennies without having to have campaigned for a single primary vote. Say nothing of all of the Democrat donors who expected their dollars to go toward electing the current president. That’s Joe Biden, in case you’ve forgotten.

Given the massive shortcomings Harris has, it’s astonishing that just like magic she is revered as the candidate to end all candidacy. But to the point, while Trump has a proven record as leader of the free world, his opponent is smoke and mirrors, much ado about nothing, a holographic representation resembling a contender but with absolutely no substance.

So to answer my original thought-question, this can’t be the best we can do, for if it is, then we are truly doomed.

Tony Farkas is editor of the Trinity County News-Standard and the San Jacinto News-Times. He can be reached at