Committee hearings center on DoD, SEC


We packed a lot into a quick week in Washington.

On Sept. 24, Chairman Gary Gensler appeared before the House Financial Services Committee along with other SEC commissioners. Under Gensler, enforcement in the SEC is neither fair nor balanced.

I told him that he should remind himself every day of the SEC’s mission statement and uphold its charge of protecting investors, maintaining orderly markets, and facilitating capital formation. It’s time to restore basic fairness in the SEC.

I also joined my colleagues on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee in a hearing entitled “Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare, Part III.”

We spoke with expert witnesses on the need to counter the influence of the CCP waging political war from within our borders. We need to address this threat, and it is concerning to me that we allow Chinese nationals to stay in our country illegally.

Ambassador Joseph Cella recommended that we address this threat with “eyes wide open.” We can find common ground in identifying this problem and must find common ground in our solutions.

Finally, I chaired my Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce this week in a hearing to oversee the egregious spending habits of the Department of Defense. Taxpayers deserve transparency in how their hard-earned dollars are supporting them.

The DOD is the only federal agency unable to achieve a clean audit. Using the Oversight Committee’s new DOD Financial Management Scorecard, we can identify where the DOD needs to improve.

Texas Farm Bureau

Members of the Texas Farm Bureau paid my office a visit on Sept. 27.

The TFB serves hundreds of thousands of member-families, including myself. They are the “voice of Texas agriculture.”

As part of their mission, the TFB advocates for legislation that would support and defend the agricultural community. As of today, the House has yet to vote on the Farm Bill, the most important piece of legislation for our farmers, ranchers, and foresters. The Farm Bill includes disaster relief funding, increases commodity prices, and ensures economic stability in our agricultural sector.

I am a proud supporter of the Farm Bill and hope to be given the opportunity to vote yes on this essential legislation that provides necessary funding and protection to our nation’s agricultural providers.

The Doctor’s Forum fly-in

On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to speak with a group of physicians at the Doctor’s Forum fly-in this week hosted by the Market Institute. These doctors are on the front lines, facing the failures and critical challenges of our health care system.

Providers and recipients of care alike recognize that our health care system is in urgent need of reform. Lawmakers must address these issues, and I appreciate this group of doctors for taking the time to visit Washington to join these crucial conversations.

Legislation of the Week

HR 9747 — Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act 2025. This week, I voted in favor for the Continuing Resolution to fund our government through Dec. 20. While continuing resolutions are never the first choice, they are preferable to a harmful government shutdown.

Some wins of this legislation include a prevention of spending on existing programs, with the same terms and conditions. This prevents the Administration from starting new programs and ensures that existing riders, like the pro-life Hyde Amendment, remain in place.

Moreover, it includes more funding for the Secret Service — an absolute necessity in these dangerous times when our leaders face constant threats. This isn’t just about enhancing protection; it’s a stark reminder of the escalating risks and the precarious state of our nation’s security.

This funding is contingent upon the Secret Service delivering documents to the House Task Force on the Assassination Attempt, ensuring accountability.

HR 8790 — Fix Our Forests Act. Having seen first-hand the successes of good forestry management at the three national forests in TX-17, I was proud to vote yes to spread these practices nationwide.

HR 3334 — STOP CCP Act. This legislation sanctions the top policy-making entity of the CCP responsible for violating human rights. I voted yes.

HR 8205 — Keep Violent Offenders Off Our Streets Act. Violent crime is on the rise across America. By providing needed oversight of charitable bail bonds, this legislation ensures violent offenders stay off our streets. Another yes from me.

Pete Sessions represents District 17, which includes Trinity County, in the U.S. House of Representatives.