
Shepherd city council handles property issues

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City Of ShepheardBy Tony Farkas
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SHEPHERD — The Shepherd City Council handled a variety of issues related to property at its regular meeting on Jan. 12.

The council approved sending out its inspector to 220 Jill Street, and once done, will take up a variance request regarding a manufactured home.

Additionally, the council approved a replat for dividing property for Walter Vaquero on 111 Cronin Road, who is splitting the property to sell 1.67 acres.

Council members also gave conditional approval to Dale and Trisha Francisco for placing a new mobile home at Fourth and Hill; the two were instructed to get letter from nearby property owner, and if they were OK with the placement, the variance would be granted.

City Secretary Debra Hagler said the council will get the city engineer to look at drainage for the Biddle Development on South Byrd Avenue. She said there is concern about drainage since the development will be smaller homes for rent.

Action on the development will be tabled until March.

In other business, the council:

•approved bids for sale of equipment — $700 for a Kubota mower and $325 for a 1996 Chevy truck, both to Timmy Richardson;

•adopted a resolution for TxDOT maintenance on state roads in the city;

•agreed to upgrade street lights in town to LED;

•honored City Attorney Larry Foerster, who is retiring after practicing for 50 years; and

•set a workshop for Tax Investment Reinvestment Zones for March 18.

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