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Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 8:08 PM


(Part 8)

Final thoughts:

There are many other scriptures used by those who teach a Pre-Trib doctrine but I will not, for time’s sake, delve into all of them because these articles could go on for several more weeks and I think eight weeks is long enough. I have given more than enough scriptural proof that this teaching is not biblical. I think one of the biggest errors overlooked by Pre-Trib camp is that they don’t associate the “catching up of the church” as also the resurrection of the dead. They are so focused on “the church” not going through tribulation they forget or ignore this is THE RESURRECTION proclaimed throughout the whole bible. The prophets spoke of only one resurrection (Job 19:25-27; Ps 71:20; Isa 26:19-20; Eze 37:7-10; Dan 12:2-3). Yashua taught one resurrection at the end of the age (Matt 24:3; John 6:39,40,44,54; 11:23,24; 13:2430; 36-43)). The apostle Paul, who received his theology straight from the mouth of Yashua (Gal 1:11,12), wrote of only one resurrection (Heb 9:28; 1Cor15:23,24; 1Ths4:13-17; 2Ths2:1). The apostle John wrote of only one resurrection (1Jn2:28; Rev 1:5,7; 20:4-6). Christian, it’s not Yashua or the prophets, nor the Apostles John and Paul who are confused.

Over the last couple years, I have wondered many times why the Pre-Trib teachers go to such great lengths and take such liberty with the scriptures to try and prove the coming of Yashua in two phases when all scriptural evidence points to only one coming “at the end of the age”. Why can’t we just believe the scriptures rather than try to come up with secondary theories? With all due respect to our pastors and teachers who continue to teach this false doctrine, if one was reading the Bible on their own without prior teaching on this subject, it is not a foregone conclusion that one would come to the same understanding as the pretrib teaching suggests. It is not a doctrine that is “clearly” defined in scripture without taking enormous liberties with scripture. What Yashua said and the apostles repeated is clearly defined.

Are we so spiritually weak here in the US that we cannot see ourselves suffering persecution, tribulation and even death for our testimony of Yashua? Is that what’s re- ally going on here. If that is the case, then the “church” has definitely fallen prey to the Apostle Paul’s prophecy of 2Tim4:3 “ For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears (the greek says, “who will tickle the hearing”). I have written twice in the last seven articles that the teaching of a Pre-Trib rapture of the church prior to a time of great tribulation is well received here in the US. We are so accustomed to our religious freedoms being protected by the Constitution’s Bill of Rights that we easily forget other countries are not so fortunate and the results are persecutions, tribulation, and even death for many of our brothers and sisters in Messiah. As you observe the decay and destruction of everything we hold dear in this country, just imagine what would happen if the protection of the First Amendment was stripped away (Mat 24:9). You don’t believe me? You think this could never happen here? Test your theory then. We here in the US are “comfort believers”. Dear Christian, the time is coming when that’s going away and God will be looking for those who will endure to the end. Search your hearts now and prepare it for that day. If the prophets, the Messiah Yashua and the apostles were not spared tribulation, persecution and death why would anyone expect there faith not to be tested? I will end this series with these comparisons. None of which, allude to Yashua coming in two phases. For there is only one coming of our great God and Messiah Yashua. Allow scripture to interpret scripture.

EVENT WORDS OF YASHUA WORDS OF THE APOSTLES Resurrection/rapture Joh 6:39, 40,44,54 1 Cor 15:23-24; 1 Ths 4:16-17; 1 Ptr 1:7; Rev 20:4,5,6 Saints face tribulation Matt 24:2 1 1Ths 3:3; 1Ptr 1:7 Trumpet sounds Matt 24:31 1 Cor15:52; 1 Ths 4:16; Rev10:7; 11:15 (the last trumpet) Angels Matt 24:31 1 Ths 4:16; 2 Ths 1:7 In the clouds Matt 24:30; Mar 13:26 1 Ths 4:17; Rev 1:7 Power and glory Matt 24:30; Mar 13:26 2 Ths 1:9; Cosmic disturbance Matt 24: 29 Rev 6:12-17 End of the age Matt 24:3 1 Cor 15:23-24 Gathering to Him Matt 24:3 1 1 Cor 15:23,24; 1Ths 4:13-17; 2 Ths 2:1; 1 Ptr 1:7; Titus 2:13 Watch / be sober Matt 24:42-44 1 Ths 5:6-8 Like a thief in the night Matt 24 :43 1Ths 5:2; 2Ptr3:10 Deception Matt 24:2325 2 Ths 2:3,9,10 Falling away Matt 24:10 2 Ths 2:3; 1Tim 4:1 Anti-christ revealed Matt 24: 15 2 Ths 2:3, 6-8 Just a quick word about Yashua coming as a “thief in the night” scriptures. The Pretrib doctrine camp concludes that 1Ths 5:2 is speaking about the rapture of 1Ths4:13-18. However they maintain that Mt 24:43 and 2Ptr3:10 is speaking about Israel because it is after tribulation. So according to the Pretrib camp, Yashua comes twice as a “thief in the night”. First coming secretly as a thief; second coming publicly as a thief. 1Ths5:2 is a “rapture” thief in the night while 2Ptr3:10 and Mt 24:43 are “end of the age” thief in the night. On what basis do they make this assumption? On the basis of defending the Pretrib doctrine at all cost even though it makes no sense. Think of it scripturally: if 1Ths5:2 is a “rapture” verse, then, scripturally speaking, it follows that Mt24:43 and 2Ptr3:10 should be as well. This is letting scripture interpret scripture. Coming as a “thief in the night” is a very specific phrase and is not used to describe two separate events.

Now consider this: Pretrib theorist teach that Mt 24:29-31 is speaking about Israel because the angel’s gather His “elect”. Yashua was talking to His disciples at this time. He was also talking to them in Lk 21:9 describing the events leading up to the tribulation. He was also talking to His disciples in John 14:1-4, the cornerstone verse of the “rapture” doctrine. Yashua is speaking to His disciples in all three instances. On what basis do they make the assumption that He is speaking about Israel in Mt and Lk but to the church in John 14? Again, defending the Pretrib doctrine at the expense of the truth. As for “the elect” in Mt 24:31 meaning Israel; Paul wrote about “the elect” at least four times (Col3:12; 2Tim2:10; Tit 1:1; 1Ptr1:2) referring to them as brethren (the church).

Paul and Silas were sent to Berea (a place in Macedonia) to the synagogues of the Jews to deliver the good new of Messiah Yashua. Scripture records the following: Acts 17:11 “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, WHETHER THOSE THINGS WERE SO”.

Christian, I want to be like the brethren in Berea. Searching the scriptures daily so that I can “rightly divide the word of truth”. Don’t accept everything you are taught as truth. That is unbiblical. Search for yourself.

Just know this. My intent for these articles the last eight weeks was to expose what I believe is a false teaching to the body of Messiah. Just because a doctrine is taught at famous seminaries does not make it truth. I went to great length in Part 4 to document how this fabrication was spread in the US and how it became so popular in our churches. I hope I have at least stirred your curiosity enough to examine the scriptures yourself and prove to yourself what you believe is true or could, quite possibly, prove to be wrong. Be aware that we could be that generation that will see the fulfillment “of all these things” (Matt 24:34). I want to be prepared spiritually for this time should I live long enough. I do not want to be caught unaware and become fearful but rather looking for the signs that signal the coming of the Son of man, knowing my redemption draws close (Mt 24:33; 1Ths 5:4-6). God bless.

Max Hill Woodville [email protected]

