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Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 6:27 PM


It is the policy of The Tyler County Booster to encourage reader participation on its Opinion page. Diverse and varied opinions are welcomed. Because of space limitations, we must limit all contributors to one letter per person per month.

Letters of 400 words or less will be published unless they contain language or content that the editors feel is inappropriate.

Letters must either be about Tyler County, from a resident of Tyler County, or in response to a story that appears in print or online in The Booster.

Examples of content that will cause letters to be rejected include the following:

• Confusing or unclear points.

• Crude language.

• Poor taste.

• Disrespectful comments regarding a group’s or individual’s ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, sexual orientation or race.

• Other incendiary language or remarks.

• Endorsements for or complaints about individually named commercial products or services.

• Poetry.

• Personal attacks.

• “Thank You” letters that go beyond general thanks to the community; attempt to serve as an advertisement for a company, individual or political party; or is submitted in lieu of a paid “Thank You” advertisement.

During periods ahead of an election, The Booster does not accept letters to the editor urging voters to vote for or against candidates in local elections.

Endorsements should be displayed in political advertising. In light of this policy, we reserve the right to reject or edit letters for references to candidates and whetheror not they should be elected. The Booster will accept letters expressing views on bond measures, constitutional amendments and other such issues. Letters will not be accepted once early voting has begun.

The Booster will not knowingly publish factually incorrect information.

Only letters written exclusively to the newspaper will be published. Letters to a third party or those written to more than one newspaper are not accepted.

“Wallpaper” - submissions that are in large part copied-and-pasted from another author or organization - will not be published.

All letters must be signed and include the writer’s street address or route address telephone number, which will be used for verification purposes only.

Letters may be submitted by mail to “Letters to the editor,” Tyler County Booster, P.O. Box 309, Woodville, TX 75979; in person at 205 W. Bluff St., Woodville, TX; sent by fax to (409) 283-2560 or sent via e-mail to news@tylercountybooster. com

