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Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 2:52 PM

An illegal act to legitimize an illegal act

Apparently, the election polls aren’t reflecting the required results for the ruling elites, so if it please the crown, which it does, we’ll finance another boondoggle to erase the last couple of years of bad press regarding immigration.

The recent action by President Biden, who issued an edict last week that created 500 million new U.S. “citizens” with the stroke of a pen.

Lot to unpack here, not the least of which is the fact that the action wasn’t his to take, but also that the history of the last few years shows the president cannot unilaterally create citizens unless there is the required congressional law behind his signature.

That was proven in court when Obama tried it with DACA and DAPA recipients.

Biden’s action ups the ante a skosh, allowing these illegals to remain in country while seeking a green card. Current law — those pesky things that have been passed and signed by other presidents — states that people seeking to become Americans and are in the country illegally must return to their home country and apply the right way. I’ve listened to a couple of interviews of naturalized citizens, who are rightly angered by this, since they went through the full, legal process while the current president awards people who “jumped the line” and sidestepped the law.

I’m thinking, though, that these and other actions need to galvanize the electorate, the congressional denizens, and just about everybody into action against a government that is completely out of control, and a president that has taken actions that puts Americans last.

There are more issues as well, particularly from a man who claims that no one is above the law.

Despite the rantings of people about saving our democracy, we’re actually a constitutional republic, which was designed to not only keep us away from the tyranny of the majority, which democracy is, but the tyranny of a king. The threetiered system of checks and balances are supposed to ensure our government operates the way we want it.

The trend, however, has been to slowboil away all the liberty, one stroke of the pen at a time, and we end up with the very thing we fought a war to eliminate.

Society — the legal kind, not the made-up, illegal kind granted rights for unknown reasons — needs to see the actions for what they are. These aren’t to help anyone other than the entrenched elitists maintain the power base it has. It solves no problems, it burdens society through higher taxes and lost benefits, and creates a subset of society that has no regard for this country and what it stands for.

When election time rolls around — every time it rolls around — remember which candidate has the best interests of their constituents at heart, and which ones provide help to everyone but Americans.

Tony Farkas is editor of the San Jacinto News-Times and the Trinity County News-Standard. He can be reached at [email protected].

