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Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 1:31 PM

Flopping definitions on their head makes us dizzy

Word from the Editor

[email protected]

There’s a weird fascination in society these days of things that used to be bad are deemed good.

Our government overlords seem to manifest this brand of crazy, given that it promotes many of those things.

For instance, one of the latest iterations of this is events during pride month (which, in and of itself is an example). On the one hand, there were two boys riding scooters on the road, which happened to be painted in pride flag colors.

Quelle horreur, but said youths “scuffed” the road mural with their scooters of mass destruction, resulting in — you guessed it — arrests of the hardened criminals. (I’ve heard it said, quite intelligently, that if you don’t want your pride mural scuffed, don’t paint it on a street Contrast that with the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests at the White House recently, which ended up with these models of citizenship and free speech defacing a monument to a hero of the Revolutionary War. I’m sure that they weren’t glanced at in an askance manner.

Just last week, signs were removed from a boulevard in a California town because, apparently, banning U-turns during certain periods of the day is somehow discriminatory against the alphabet community; there are quotes even that claim the signs were installed to inconvenience them specifically.

There even is a whole month dedicated to this, while there are two days only when brave men and women who have served in the military — some at the cost of their lives — get two days a year, and not even in the same month.

There were no consequences for the nation’s summer of discontent (think riots, arson, looting, etc.), yet Christian men and women were given jail time for praying outside of abortion centers.

There’s also the huge disparity between the investigations into document retention by both Biden and Trump — one leading to a ridiculous special investigation and trial, and the other leading to a report so silly that it requires the protection of executive privilege, even though a proviso of the report states the suspect was too old and addled to make a good suspect at trial.

There are countless other examples, such as the effects of DEI and ESG scores, and while it would be easy to put this down as an antiliberal screed, but these in particular were used to prove a completely different point. Yes, things that normally were considered wrong are tolerated, but more to my mind, they’re being forced into becoming mainstream because of the might of law.

Governments at every level are passing laws and ordinances that protect certain behaviors, while at the same time ignoring minor crimes like shoplifting and assault. Drug use is becoming more and more tolerated and less and less prosecuted.

Those same government overlords are flipping the definition of a peaceful, law-abiding society into something that rewards behavior that was considered bad while punishing behavior once considered good. It’s enough to make anyone dizzy.

Tony Farkas is editor of the San Jacinto News-Times and the Trinity County News-Standard. He can be reached at tony@polkcountypublishing. com.

