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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:05 AM

Looking for Aaron to build a golden climate model

FromEditorsDesk Tony
Apparently, the worship of anyone who’s Christian is so horrific that anyone caught espousing that belief is required to run a gauntlet of social media/liberal epithets. It’s got me questioning why the things that are good are now considered bad, and what was once considered bad is now lauded as meet and proper.

I’m writing this as I’m rewatching a movie called “The Hunt,” which is about a group of left-wing fanatics that have kidnapped a group of right-wing fanatics to use as hunting targets. (I don’t think we’re at that point — yet.)

Point is, one group of people have decided that Christianity, among other things, is racist, misogynistic and anti-alphabet people, so to espouse those values is to de facto be evil and subject to destruction.

The latest is the foofaraw over the Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker, who gave a commencement speech at Benedictine College and talked about family values, faith and other such apparently evil nonsense. Imagine, a Catholic man giving a speech about Catholic values to Catholics at a Catholic college.

The horror.

The backlash and outcry have been educational, frequent and patently ridiculous.

Benedictine nuns have denounced the speech. A petition to have Butker removed from the Chielfs has gathered hundreds of thousands of signatures. The NFL has said that while Butker was acting in his individual capacity, his views do not reflect the views of the league, which worships at the altar of inclusion.

As I said, that’s just the latest. Over at the Peacock Network, apparently there is such a proliferation of gay and transgender animals that there now will be a documentary series about it. Used to be that television programs, even those that are streamed, had standards. Now, any and all manner of behavior is broadcast, and the worse, the more awards it will win.

People who lie habitually, like the president, most Hollywood types and most if not all of elected officials, are given a pass. Even people like Megan Rapinoe and Colin Kaepernick, who hate the U.S. and everything it stands for, are given accolades for standing up for their beliefs.

While there are more egregious examples of the reversal of decency, my thoughts are that it all boils down to one thing, and that is instead of reaching out and asking what we can do to make other lives better, it has become people reaching out to others and demanding they make our lives better.

It starts, of course, with silencing anything we find disagreeable, and that especially includes anything that requires a moral center. Once silenced, then efforts to force a particular belief system on everyone kick in, with groups seeking to use the force of law or government to make things mainstream, while limiting or erasing any opposite thoughts.

I’m sure you’ve seen that throughout society. The transgenderists demand recognition and acceptance; the alphabet people demand the same; the climate loons continue their assault on everything; the pandemic loons are trying to create a worldwide system to handle the next outbreak of Captain Trips; and the American government used to know its place, but now is inserting itself into every aspect of society.

Just as Aaron was forced to create the golden calf, since his people couldn’t deal with waiting for a version of the Lord they wanted, society now is creating different idols to worship — like climate, like gender identity, like anything that hopefully fills the void, when it’s truth that wins the day.

Tony Farkas is publisher of the San Jacinto News-Times and the Trinity County News-Standard. He can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed here are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

