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Friday, September 20, 2024 at 5:41 AM

Crime Stoppers fete a Mardi Gras time

The Boys and Girls Club of Trinity will host their fifth Annual Valentine Dinner and Dance at the Trinity Community Center, Friday night, Feb. 10, 2023. See story for details
The Boys and Girls Club of Trinity will host their fifth Annual Valentine Dinner and Dance at the Trinity Community Center, Friday night, Feb. 10, 2023. See story for details

Julias Tidbits
If you did not attend the Trinity County Crime Stoppers 12th Annual Cowboy Mardi Gras Gala, you missed a great occasion. The food was excellent, the silent auction was unbelievable, the live auction was generous and fun, and the music was the best.

The Mardi Gras decorations were beautiful, and the people attending dressed for the affair with colors of gold, green, and purple. Beads and decorated vests abounded on the dance floor.

Larry Grant and his staff did an outstanding job, feeding 350 guests in a timely manner proficiently. With the help of the Trinity Middle School Beta Club, under the supervision of Sabrina Knight, the students navigated among the large crowd serving Ray Goodrum’s Rib-eye steak, baked potato, green beans, salad, peach cobbler, and drinks flawlessly. Kudos to the students at Trinity Middle School.

•On Sunday, Feb. 5, Tom and Donna Hester will be the beneficiaries of a fundraiser selling pulled pork or beef sandwiches, a chip, and a drink at the Trinity Volunteer Fire Department from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. to help defray costs for a devastating fire in their home on Jan. 1. The cost of the fundraiser is $10, and this is a drive-through-the-station event. The public is invited to attended.

•Also on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023, Julia McMichael’s family is hosting an 80th birthday celebration from 1-3 p.m. at the Trinity Community Center. Cake and punch will be served, and other octogenarians will be honored at this time. Some are Bubba Hirsch, Mike Morrison, Larry Grant, Danny Cleveland, Becky Hamilton, Lanora Ainsworth, and others that have birthdays in February.

•On Friday night, Feb. 10, 2023, the Boys and Girls Club of Trinity will host their fifth Annual Valentine Dinner and Dance at the Trinity Community Center. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. The dinner is served at 6 p.m. and the menu consists of a 12-14 oz. rib-eye steak, twice baked potatoes, green beans, a salad, a complimentary drink, and a dessert.

The dessert auction starts at 6 and ends at 7:30 p.m. The desserts are made by the best cooks in Trinity County and your favorites will be there, from chocolate, pineapple, Neiman Marcus Cake to a Mississippi Mud Cake and many more.

The Moyers will be there to take beautiful pictures of you or you and your sweetheart and all donations go to the benefit of the Boys and Girls Club. Credit cards are accepted as well as cash and checks. Beer, wine coolers, and other drinks are available at the “watering hole” in the kitchen for a small donation.

We have wonderful donations for the silent and live auctions. Some of the gift items include a 60-inch TV, a $500 Gift card, deer feeder, camping tent and equipment, homemade work bench and tools, antique quilt, picnic table, barbecue pit with accessories, sunflower metal art display with fine dining gift cards, chain saw and three designer purses-which are Coach, Kate Spade, and Montana West.

Tables seat eight people and cost $400 each. Individual tickets cost $50 each. Tickets can be purchased at the Boys and Girls Club on San Jacinto Street, at the First National Bank in Riverside, Rollo Insurance Agency downtown Trinity, or by calling Julia McMichael at (936) 537-8171.

•On Tuesday, Feb. 14, at the Martin Senior Citizen Center, located at 400 Walker St., a Valentine’s Day luncheon fundraiser is being held to benefit the Senior Shut-in Citizens’ Meal Delivery in Trinity. The center delivers 61 meals to shut-ins every Monday-Friday and furnishes noon meals for other residents who attend the center during the week at a reasonable cost. This special luncheon will feature a complimentary drink, and hors d’oeuvres at 11 a.m.

Filet mignon, asparagus, scalloped potatoes, salad, and dessert will be served for only $20 a person at noon.

There will be music featuring Danny Cleveland and door prizes with special drawings throughout the luncheon until 2 p.m. Special prizes are a Valentine Beauty Basket, a Man’s Nature Basket and several designer purses.

Bring a friend, a sweetheart, or your relative and have a wonderful lunch, fellowship, prizes, and music while supporting your Senior Civic Center in Trinity. The Trinity Meal Delivery program is made possible only through donations and fundraisers like this. Please attend and help support our seniors, the less fortunate seniors, and the disabled seniors. They need you.

•At the end of February, we will start our Easter/Lenten services and meals, so watch this space for the Most Holy Catholic Church Lenten Dinner schedule, Easter Sunday, and Ash Wednesday services.

Fat Tuesday, and Ash Wednesday plans are scheduled for the First Methodist Church of Trinity on Elm Street so, stay tune for these announcements next week along with other church events.

Answers to last week’s American history trivia questions:

•Robert E. Lee was the only person to have graduated from West Point Military Academy without a single demerit.

•Robert E. Lee ordered all Confederate soldiers to carry the book, Les Misérables because he believed it symbolized their cause.

•Akron, Ohio, is host to the All- American Soap Box Derby.

•The price of beef rose to 33,000 percent because of inflation during the American Revolution.

•The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought at Breed’s Hill.

•The original copy of the Declaration of Independence is kept in the National Archives Building.

•The Declaration of Independence was written on Hemp paper.

•Congress forgot to vote on admitting Ohio to the Union causing a controversy in the Midwest United States.

•Most people signed the Declaration of Independence on Aug. 2.

•Benedict Arnold’s wife was helped by George Washington to flee from enemy troops.

•Feb. 20 is Presidents Day. This is a national holiday, and all federal offices are closed on this day.

This issue I will finish my saga about the myths of George Washington which I find interesting, because when we took American history in school, we only remember the cherry tree story, and not his actual birth date and birth year.

Did you know that George Washington’s Federal holiday is held on the third Monday of Feb. and his birthday is observed on Feb. 22? However, to complicate matters, Washington was really born on Feb. 11 in 1731. How can that be?

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac 2022, George Washington was originally born when the Julian calendar was is use. During Washingtons’ lifetime people in Great Britain and America switched the official calendar system from Julian to the Gregorian calendar (something that most of Europe had already done in 1582).

As a result of this calendar reform, people born before 1752 were told to add 11 days to their birth dates. Those born between Jan. 1 and March 25, as Washington was, also had to add one year to be in sync with the new calendar.

By the time Washington became president in 1789, he celebrated his birthday on Feb. 22, and listed his year of birth as 1732.

To summarize, Washington’s birthday changed from Feb. 11, 1731, to Feb. 22, 1732.

No wonder he never told a lie, since he never knew what year it was.

See you at the next fundraiser.

