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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 4:54 PM

Bork’s book title closing in on reality

FromEditorsDesk Tony
By Tony Farkas

Years ago, I recall putting a post on my Facebook page about the government’s embrace of transgenderism and the target it put on Title IX.

In a nutshell, Title IX is the federal government telling the country that as far as education goes, there can be no discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. That basically means everybody gets a fair shot, and in practice, that means there’s programs for everyone.

For the most part, that has meant sports. So when the transgender thing cropped up, the knee-jerk reaction was to allow people who identify as a particular gender to participate in sports against the similar gender.

The results have been splashed across local media, what with trans wrestlers in Texas winning girls’ competitions, or “Lia” Thomas winning NCAA swimming competitions, or a runner in Oregon crushing the lady competitors in a 200-meter race.

There’s more, I’m sure (strange, though, that it seems the “winners” all are former males).

So, in the interests of the government forcing equality down the throats, as it is wont to do, the Biden administration has gone into full election offense and put new Title IX regulations out that essentially provide ironclad legal protections for alphabet and pregnant students, while lowering the bar for investigations into an expanded definition of unwelcome sex-based conduct.

It also has the benefit of giving President Biden a boost with his base because it reverses changes that President Trump put in place.

While discrimination in any form is disgusting, I still firmly believe that it is never the place of government to use its power to force compliance, especially on items that were done without the benefit of being sent through Congress.

The compliance club, of course, is funding, as well as other sanctions, which in and of itself is a problem, since it involves taxpayer funds, which the government thinks is theirs and can flaunt that in front of anyone who may buck the trend.

That’s the same argument that can be had for the Biden rule restricting oil exploration on 13 million acres of land in Alaska, ostensibly to protect the environment and critters and indigenous peoples, which while may be true, will have the added effect of causing gas prices to go up.

Bork’s title, by the way, was “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” which touches on American decline.

What’s more, the ever-growing tendency of government to legislate by fiat than by honest-to-God bills, debate and such, as was intended by the framers of the Constitution, speaks volumes about the government ignoring its enumerated powers and making unilateral decisions that fly in the face of the will of the people.

Ultimately, “of the people, by the people and for the people” has morphed into “we know what’s best for you.”

So at some point, the course of human events has changed its course, and it may become necessary for the people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them.

Tony Farkas is editor of the San Jacinto News-Times and the Trinity County News-Standard. He can be reached at [email protected].

