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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5:01 PM

New regulations show contempt for science, personal choice

FromEditorsDesk Tony
Whether you like it or not, you’re going to have an electric vehicle.

Biden, or at least his flying monkeys at the Department of Energy, says so.

Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency, a ludicrous and not-constitutional entity, set new emissions standards for vehicles of 85 grams of CO2 per mile, ostensibly to eliminate billions of tons of the gas by the year 2055.

That standard is to be reached by 2032, which mathematicians will note is only 8 years. Beginning in 2027, the total should be 170 grams per mile, so there’s a 5-year window to cut things in half.

That number is for light-duty vehicles, which are basically every car owned by us regular folks.

However, current emissions, according to the EPA, average 400 grams per mile per vehicle; so by 2032, you’re supposed to drive a vehicle that emits 79 percent less plant food.

This all came from an agency that has no elected officials nor any reason to have its ideas voted upon or passed as a law. It is simply governmental diktat.

Why a government thinks it can determine the best way to save the planet is incomprehensible. You just can’t legislate the weather, and the ham-fisted attempts at trying to correct something is only going to disenfranchise and frankly push into poverty its people.

Electric vehicles are more expensive to own, more expensive to charge, more expensive to maintain and news reports indicate they also are more expensive to insure.

EVs also are even more toxic to the environment, in that lithium mining exacts a terrible toll on those areas.

Yet again, though, unelected busybodies have put out regulations that will force these new expenses, which also will come with changes to lifestyles, and there’s not a thing anyone will do about it.

It’s not just the EPA, mind you, that inflict such policies on us; every federal agency does the same. There’s the old saw that because of the amount of rules, regulations and laws that exist, at any given minute we are breaking the law.

Which is something more that punches us in the pocketbook.

I’ve said in the past that there’s no part of life as and American citizen that doesn’t have the touch of government on it. What’s been happening lately, though, is the tightening of the screws, making things more and more difficult to comply, and certainly more difficult to remove, since once power is granted, it is never returned.

The largest perpetrator of this kind of control on our lives is the EPA. It’s becoming more and more necessary for us to respond to this come election time.

Either that, or prepare to pay for charging stations to be installed in every home.


Tony Farkas is publisher of the San Jacinto News-Times and the Trinity County News-Standard. He can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed here are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

