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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:33 AM

Too much for just one mind to comprehend

FromEditorsDesk Tony Cropped
By Tony Farkas
[email protected]

There are times when I cast about for column ideas, scanning pop culture, news, social media, etc., for inspiration.

Many times when I do that, though, I’m regaled with what can only be evidence of the decline of civilization and a return to barbarism, while at the same time finding that common sense on a variety of subjects has left the building.

Here’s a few things that have drawn out the heaviest sighs from me this week.

•In Memphis, there was another death of a suspect in custody at the hands of police officers, members of some sort of special Scorpion Unit or whatever, that is flying under the radar because it doesn’t fit the well-crafted narrative: Black police officers allegedly killed a Black man, who was pulled over for the audacious crime of suspicion of reckless driving.

While the details are still forthcoming, the five officers were fired and now face murder charges.

This tragedy is again one that never should have happened, but perhaps it will serve as a catalyst for change, both in how police behave with suspects and that there really needs to be some effort put into finding the cause for the increase in violence on both sides.

It really doesn’t help to call this racism or claim it’s rooted in white supremacy, either. That narrative won’t hold water.

•A Taco Bell customer in Wales, England, who was upset about something, was laid out by an employee. There’s video, which again shows how something so simple escalated into something that required police, ambulances and altercation.

I’m finding that talking about things, and learning to come to a compromise, have become a thing of the past, and anyone with hurt feelings can be justified in their rage response.

Whatever happened to “Make Love, Not War?”

•When Joe Biden took office, gas prices were below $2. Shortly thereafter, and ever since, the prices, while fluctuating, have stayed above $3 and sometimes even more.

In the last week, I’ve watched the price go up. Again. So how is it that our vaunted government officials claim that this sitting president has lowered gas prices? Why does our elitist snob leaders insist that we have the memory of gnats and need them to Newspeak us into joy joy?

•In the past two weeks, there have been two mass shootings in California that have resulted in the death of 14 people.

California. The land where no gun law is unappreciated.

The response has been predictable in that there’s calls for more gun laws. However, anyone with any kind of ability to read and connect dots can see it’s not about the guns. There’s a definite pendulum swing in society making it more violent and angry.

I think it’s long past time to focus on root causes, and for my money, start with morality. Without a moral base, laws are essentially just words. A deeper connection with a deity will definitely help, and a country like ours that spends as much time as it does fighting the very thing that will help, what with separation of church and state and banning prayer and religious displays everywhere, will only descend farther into madness.

Can’t fill a God-sized hole with feelings and wokeism, no matter how hard you try.

