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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 8:08 PM

There’s a time for everything, and now it’s time to get busy

FromEditorsDesk Tony
By Tony Farkas

Working in the corporate world at larger newspaper chains, there were many times that work ground to a halt for some meeting or another.

It got to a point for me to despise meetings. I realize that getting certain information out that requires input from others necessitates meetings, but things in the corporate — and government — worlds have degenerated to the point where talk is pretty much it.

So many sayings exist to admonish everyone that it’s time to do something, that time to talk about things is over.

I have a few favorites, like from the TV show “Letterkenny,” “Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er.” Or from “Romper Room,” “Be a Do Bee, and not a Don’t Bee.”

There’s also the biblical admonition a time for everything under God’s Heaven, of proving yourselves doers of the Word, not merely hearers who delude themselves.

A doer (Do-Bee?), right now, is Gov. Greg Abbott, who is fighting to get control of the untenable mass invasion of immigrants coming over the southern border. He has told DHS folks to get lost, cause Texas has got this, has installed razor wire to keep the border and Texas residents safe, and is now planning to build a military base near Eagle Pass, reportedly to hold up to 1,800 National Guard soldiers.

The idea is to do something about the conga line of immigrants pouring into Texas, coming after his masterstroke of shipping immigrants to “sanctuary” cities, forcing those who talk a good game to put their money where their mouths are.

On the other side, the talker (Don’t-Bee) side, is Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, who has talked and talked, but has been so ineffective in his talking that after more than a year of border issues, he was impeached for essentially not doing his job.

There are even reports of him banning the agents under his command to not detain immigrants who have felony records, which currently is law and currently is not being followed.

More talkers include the entirety of the current administrative and legislative branches of the federal government.

Last month, the Senate put forth a ridiculous bill that was designed to “solve” the immigration problem by letting it continue, as well as giving money to the Ukraine and Israel, because their borders need protecting too, I guess.

Of course, they get to “say” they are working to solve the problem, even if the House will never take it up because it’s a terrible piece of legislation.

Our president also has talked a mean game, but has done nothing to help, and the flood continues.

Moreover, all of the talkers — legislators, the mayors of sanctuary cities, et al — have condemned Abbott for his actions, as if their non-action was the right move.

If the laws were followed, none of this would be necessary, as action would have been taken from the start. Instead, all that Texans got was talk.

It brings to mind another saying that’s appropriate: Know a man by his actions and deeds, not his words.

Tony Farkas is editor of the Trinity County News-Standard and the San Jacinto News-Times. He can be reached at [email protected].

