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Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 3:17 PM

Summer reading program rolling along

GrovetonLibrary Graphic
Our Children’s Summer Reading Program has 30 children registered and your librarian expects more before the end of our program. Our program continues through July 28. There is still time to get your child registered.

Story time reading on June 13 was by Lisa Soto from the Kennedy Health and Rehab in Lufkin. She read three different of her favorite childhood books and then handed the children a stuffy toy of the story. There were 12 children and nine adults.

On June 15, Mrs. Rebecca Fleck came with her greeting card making materials and taught the children how to make Father’s Day Cards and cards for the Nursing Home residents. We had 17 children and 10 adults for the card-making class. On June 20, Mrs. Fleck came and brought her cameras and the children learned how to use and take of the cameras and how to take pictures.

We practiced taking inside pictures of a stuffed sloth animal, books and a friend. We then went outside to take photos of the courthouse, a leaf, a tree, the library, a car, a flower, a bug and then their choice of a subject. On Tuesday, the children will make their own photo albums with the pictures they took.

On June 22, the library had Ms. Sharon Crissey from World Book read to the children. She read True or False? Around the World. There were seven children and eight adults. They all had a great time interacting with the world globe and answering questions. The adults learned along with the children. We made paper airplanes to commemorate our travel around the world experience and that was so much fun and brought back some childhood memories for your librarian.

On Thursday, local author Janet Batchelor will read us one of her books. She now has four published books. They are “Al and the Owligator,” “Princess, Fred Frog and the Thing on the Log,” “‘Fraidy Fox” and “The Lonely Little Bulldog.” We look forward to her visits to our library.

The library will be closed for the July 4 holiday. Let’s all remember why we have this holiday.

•Texas Workforce Solutions representative will be here in the library on Monday, July 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. This is a service provided for anyone who needs help with employment opportunities.

•In regard to book donations, the library will not accept any books from individuals until after we move to the new location. Your librarian is in the process of boxing books getting ready for the move. We appreciate your understanding.

•Our New Building Fund balance is $5,358.93. We are still collecting pennies for our 1 Million Pennies Fund Drive. I get so excited every time someone brings me a baggie of pennies. It is the little things that add up. Thank you everyone.

•The library has received a few volumes of the “Journey to Jubilee, Groveton, Texas.” These books were donated to be used for a fund raiser and are for sale at the library. They will be for sale at $50 each. We have sold a few and still have some available.

•The library offers copy services and fax services and Notary Public services.

If you are aware of any person that is homebound and cannot get to the library but would like to have books to read, please call the library. We will work on a time for delivery and pickup of books if someone shows interest. This is your library. Please let me know how I can be of service to you.

Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m. The library will be closed from Dec. 23 through Jan. 3, 2023.

Story time is at 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The library phone number is (936) 642-2483, and the location is in the rock building just east of the courthouse.

Cathy Czajkowski is director of the Groveton Public Library.

